Baer's Pochard
Aythya baeri

2017/11/06 : date
Imperial Palace Moat : field

Doubtful CharacterBaer's PochardBaer's PochardBaer's Pochard

In the general remarks, this bird is regarded as a hybrid of a Baer's Pochard and a Common Pochard by vermiculation and dull color of body side.
I divide this one into Baer's Pochard of bird classification in this site for a temporary expedient because this bird has more characteristic of a Baer's Pochard.

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Love Baer's Pochard!

2017/11/06 : date
Imperial Palace Moat : field

Doubtful CharacterBaer's PochardBaer's PochardBaer's Pochard

In the general remarks, this bird is regarded as a hybrid of a Baer's Pochard and a Common Pochard by vermiculation and dull color of body side.
I divide this one into Baer's Pochard of bird classification in this site for a temporary expedient because this bird has more characteristic of a Baer's Pochard.

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